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Welcome Letter

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

The Young Neurosurgeons (YNS) committees of the EANS and ACNS are excited to announce the 3rd ACNS-EANS World Congress of Young Neurosurgeons that will take place in Sofia, Bulgaria, on 12th-14th October 2024, partially overlapped with the 2024 EANS Annual Congress.
The 3rd World YNS Congress will be jointly organised by the YNS Committees of the EANS and ACNS, but representatives from all Continental Societies are welcomed and invited to the Congress to meet each other. To allow for greater participation, special registration fees will be available for young neurosurgeons coming from LMIC.

The aim of the congress is to promote a new global event for education and training of young neurosurgeons. By bringing people from different continents, we aim to create a global workforce to help young neurosurgeons across the globe updating their knowledge on modern and cutting-edge techniques and strategies in neurosurgery.

This year, the World YNS Congress has reached its 3rd Edition and, for the first time, will take place in Europe. The organisation of the event partially overlapping the Annual EANS Congress, will give the opportunity to young neurosurgeons attending the World YNS Congress to attend also the most important event organised annually by the EANS.

The topics of the 3rd World YNS Congress will cover almost all fields of neurosurgery. The programme will include hands-on workshops, expert sessions, research series and most importantly the YNS competition. The abstracts’ submission is closed: selected oral and poster presentations focused on all neurosurgical topics will be presented and the best ones will receive special Awards.

We will sincerely appreciate your participation and we’re looking forward to seeing you in Sofia!

Giovanni Raffa

Congress President & Immediate Past President, EANS
Andreas Demetriades

Ben Ng

ACNS President
Yoko Kato

Saturday to Monday,
12-14 October 2024
Call for Abstracts & Videos

Τhe Organizing & Scientific Committee of the 3rd World Young Neurosurgeons’ Congress welcomes the submission of original abstracts in all fields of neurosurgery.

Please submit your abstracts for presentations to be included in the scientific programme by April the 6th, 2024. Extended Abstract Deadline: 30 April
Best abstracts will be selected and discussed by the presenting authors during dedicated oral session of the congress. The remaining abstracts will be selected for presentation in the format of ePosters.
Abstracts should be 350 words in length and organized in the following sections: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions.

Videos describing complex cases should be max 3 minutes long and should briefly include the reason for video presentation, case description, positioning and surgical approach, surgical steps, outcome, discussion and conclusions.

Abstract Presentation Formats
Oral Presentation: Discussion during a dedicated scientific session.

Oral ePoster Presentation: Short discussion during the allocated time slot in the ePoster area.Inclusion in the electronic ePoster area as well.

Videos: Discussion during a dedicated scientific session

Abstract Form
Abstracts can only be submitted in English.
It is important that you read your text to ensure accuracy with no spelling, grammatical or scientific errors. No corrections will be accepted after the abstract submission deadline and the abstract will be published exactly as submitted.
We encourage non-English-speaking authors to have their abstracts checked for grammar and spelling prior to submission.
Incomplete abstracts will not be reviewed.

Abstract Submission Timeline
16/02/2024 Abstract Submission Opens
06/04/2024 Abstract Submission Deadline
30/04/2024 Extended Abstract Submission Deadline
06/05/2024 Abstract Notification
06/06/2024 Registration Deadline for accepted abstracts (any kind)


In case you face any difficulty in submitting your abstract through the abstract submission form, please contact Martina De Gregorio, EANS Events Manager | [email protected]

National Palace of Culture
Ndk, Bulgaria Blvd, 1463 Sofia, Bulgaria

The 3rd World Young Neurosurgeons’ Congress will be held at the National Palace of Culture, an exceptional conference center in the very center of Sofia, Bulgaria.

The programme on day 1 will be held at the Hilton Sofia Hotel which is located 5 minutes on foot from the congress center.

The National Palace of Culture is a Bulgarian landmark, with hundreds of prestigious events taking place there each year. It is located in the most central area of Sofia, in very close proximity with the metro station and other transportation options.

This impressive landmark was built in 1981 in celebration of the 1300th anniversary of the Bulgarian state. More than 10,000 tons of steel were used for the construction of the NDK, surpassing the Eiffel Tower by 3,000 tons.

How to get to the National Palace of Culture from the Sofia Airport

By Metro or Bus
The venue is located at 12km from Sofia International airport. The airport is easily connected to the city center via bus or metro.
More information is provided on the following website:
The following bus lines stop at the NDK: 72, 76, 94, 204, 604.
The closest metro station is ‘NDK‘.

By Taxi
Taxis are quite affordable in Bulgaria. A ride from the Sofia Airport to the National Palace of Culture costs approximately 7-10 EUR (20 Bulgarian Lev).


Samin Abrar, Republic of Ireland
Shahzeb Ahmad , Pakistan
Asra Al Fauzi, Indonesia
Cristina Aldea, Romania
Oscar Alves, Portugal
Ikechukwu Aniaku, Nigeria
Farha Anjum, Germany
Mohammad Ansari, India
Khawar Anwar, Pakistan
Giuseppe Barbagallo, Italy
Marlies Bauer, Austria
Diogo Belo, Portugal
Pier Paolo Berti, Italy
Andras Buki, Sweden
Marco Cenzato, Italy
Yun-Kai Chan, Taiwan
Sachin Chemate , India
Aaron Cohen-Gadol, United States of America
Michael DeCuypere, United States of America
Andreas Demetriades, United Kingdom
Bart Depreitere, Belgium
Antonio Di Ieva, Australia
Tomasz Dziedzic, Poland
Raul Echeverri, Spain
Ignatius Esene, Cameroon
Shervin Espahbodinea, Italy
Felice Esposito, Italy
Michael Fehlings, Canada
Alberto Feletti, Italy
David Felzensztein, Israel
Stefan Florian, Romania
Kostas Fountas, Greece
Jean-Ives Fournier, Switzerland
Christian Freyschlag, Austria
Hitoshi Fukuda, Japan
Marisa Gandia, Spain
Pablo Gonzalez-Lopez, España
Yoshiaki Goto, Japan
Konstanstinos Gousias, Germany
Christopher Graffeo, United States of America
Rachel Grossman, Israel
Abuzer Gungor, Turkey

Julian Han, Singapore
Hirotaka Hasegawa, Japan
Christian Heinen, Germany
Kentaro Horiguchi, Japan
Peter Hutchinson, United Kingdom
Corrado Iaccarino, Italy
Atiqul Islam, Bangladesh
Jugoslav Ivanovic, Norway
Saqiba Jadoon, United Kingdom
Margret Jensdottir, Sweden
Kantenga Dieu Merci Kabulo, Congo (Democratic Republic of the)
Kostadin Karagiozov, Japan
Yoko Kato, Japan
Abdullah Keles, United States of America
Hidehito Kimura, Japan
Manabu Kinoshita, Japan
Akihide Kondo, Japan
Thomas Kretschmer, Austria
Ashish Kumar, Canada
Sandi Lam, United States
Milan Lepic, Serbia
Emal Lesha, United States of America
Chih-Hsiang Liao, Taiwan
Laura Lippa, Italy
Charles Liu, United States of America
Calvin Mak, Hong Kong
Kellie Mcclafferty, United Kingdom
Torstein R. Meling, Denmark
Satoru Miyawaki, Japan
Jacques Morcos, United States
Hiroki Morisako , Japan
Erion Musabelliu, Canada
Shigeki Nakano, Japan
Ben CHAT FONG Ng, Hong Kong
Shinichi Origuchi, Japan
Naoki Otani, Japan
Kenichi Oyama, Japan
Simone Peschillo, Italy
Wilco Peul, Netherlands
Huy Pham, Vietnam
David Pochivalov, Kazakhstan

Wai Poon, Hong Kong
Kyriaki Rafailia Kavazidi, Greece
Giovanni Raffa, Italy
Lukas Rasulic, Serbia
Luca Ricciardi, Italy
Florian Ringel, Germany
Karl Roessler, Austria
Sai Kalyan Savarapu, India
Olaf E.M.G. Schijns, Netherlands
Leon Schmidt, Germany
Philippe Schucht, Switzerland
Michael Schwake, Germany
Christian Senft , Germany
Fabio Serpico, Italy
Salman Yousuf Sharif, Pakistan
Francesco Signorelli, Italy
Matthias Simon, Germany
Mary Solou, United Kingdom
Toma Spiriev, Bulgaria
Daniela Stastna, France
Ido Strauss, Israel
Takashi Sugawara, Japan
Johnston Jr Te, Canada
Enrico Tessitore , Switzerland
Claudius Thomé , Austria
Francesco Tomasello, Italy
Fabio Torregrossa, Italy
Martin Trandzhiev, Bulgaria
Manjul Tripathi, India
Fon-yih Tsuang, Taiwan
Peter Vajkoczy, Germany
Johannes van Loon, Belgium
Massimiliano Visocchi, Italy
Marec von Lehe, Germany
Petra Wahjoepramono, Indonesia
Tadashi Watanabe, Japan
Kentaro Watanabe, Japan
Bin Xu, China
Xinyu Yang, China
Mao Yokota, Japan
Cesare Zoia, Italy


The programme overview is now available, click on the below button to view it.

Oral E-Poster Presentations Programme

The oral e-posters presentations will take place in the reception hall of the congress (next to Hall 10). The programme is now available.

Congress Hands-On and Theoretical Workshops

Participants will also have the unique opportunity to register for 6 hands-on workshops on 12 October and attend 1 theoretical workshop on 13 October.

Delegates will be able to register for 2 of these workshops on the 12th of October and the workshop 6 on the 13th of October via the main registration form. There are limited places and it will be on a first come first served basis.

Hands-on Workshop 1 – Microvascular sutures, anastomoses and by-pass
12 October, 09:50 – 13:00
Hilton Sofia Hotel
10 places – 50 euro

The workshops will focus on training participants in performing microvascular sutures, anastomoses and bypass surgery on physical vessels’ models.

Hands-on Workshop 2 – Endonasal transsphenoidal endoscopic surgery
12 October, 09:50 – 13:00
Hilton Sofia Hotel
9 places – 50 euro

The workshops will be focused on the training of participants the endonasal trans-sphenoidal endoscopic approach on cranial physical models and to simulate the resection of sellar lesions.

Hands-on Workshop 3 – Ventricular Endoscopic surgery
12 October, 09:50 – 13:00
Hilton Sofia Hotel
12 Places (6 slots of 30 minutes, 2 trainees per slot: each participant can register for 1 time slot) – 50 euro

The workshops will be focused on the training of participants in performing ventricular endoscopic procedures such as ETV and lesions’ biopsy on cranial physical models.

Hands-on Workshop 4 – Skull base surgery
12 October, 15:50– 18:00
Hilton Sofia Hotel
10 Places – 50 euro

The workshops will focus on training participants in performing two different skull base approaches on physical cranial models: the anterior transpetrosal approach (ATPA) and the posterior transpetrosal approach (mastoidectomy).

Hands-on Workshop 5 – Endoscopic spine surgery
12 October, 15:50– 18:00
Hilton Sofia Hotel
10 Places – 50 euro

The workshops will focus on training participants in performing uniportal and biportal endoscopic procedures for spine decompression by using interlaminar and trans- foraminal approaches on physical spine models.

Hands-on Workshop 7 – Endovascular neurosurgery
12 October, 15:50– 18:00
Hilton Sofia Hotel
14 Places – 50 euro

The workshop will focus on the description of the basics of Flow diversion and Endovascular Thrombectomy (EVT) procedures and identify their common technical nuances. These concepts will be implemented via simulation onto“hands-on” flow models.

Workshop 6 – Intraoperative Neurophysiology in Neurosurgery
13 October, 11:00 – 14:00
National Palace of Culture – Hall 7

Free of charge but registration is required.

This theoretical workshop will be jointly organized with the International Society of Intraoperative Neurophysiology (ISIN) with the aim to train participants in the essentials of mapping/monitoring techniques in neurosurgery. The workshop will be composed of 5 sessions on different topics (supratentorial, skull base, brainstem/cerebellum, spinal cord, cauda/peripheral ). Each session will be composed of 15 minutes discussing techniques, 15 minutes on illustrative cases, and 10 minutes for interactive discussion.

The The 3rd World Young Neurosurgeons Congress, Sofia, Bulgaria 12/10/2024 – 14/10/2024 , has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 22.5 European CME credits (ECMEC®s).

Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.”

Through an agreement between the Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes and the American Medical Association, physicians may convert EACCME® credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Information on the process to convert EACCME® credit to AMA credit can be found at .

Live educational activities, occurring outside of Canada, recognised by the UEMS-EACCME® for ECMEC®s are deemed to be Accredited Group Learning Activities (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

Until 20 June 2024
Until 31 August 2024
From 01 September 2024

Registration for the 3rd World YNS Congress includes access to the EANS2024 Congress from 13-17 October 2024 only as attendee. Delegates who are presenting or have abstracts at EANS2024 are required to register for the EANS congress as well.

IMPORTANT: delegates who did not record their presence at the World YNS congress will not have access to the EANS2024 Congress.

Accommodation options will also be offered in the registration form.

By registering you fully accept all registration conditions as further detailed:

Proof of Status
In order to register for the congress you will need to provide via the registration form the proof of one of the below status:

  • Senior medical students, interested in pursuing training in Neurosurgery in their last year of medicine.
  • Trainees at any level of their training.
  • Board-certified Neurosurgeons in the 10 years after board certification.

Networking Dinner
The networking dinner will take place on 12 October at the Hilton Sofia Hotel. The ticket is sold separately at 30 euro.

Payments & Taxes

  • All registration fees are quoted in Euro (€) and include 20% VAT.
  • Invoices with an address in the European Union should bear a valid VAT Number. The invoicing address and VAT number should be provided during the registration process.
  • Early bird rates are valid if paid until the early bird deadline.
  • After early bird deadline expiration, unpaid registrations are switched automatically to the valid registration fee of the day.

Refund and Cancellation Policy
Any cancellation of participation must be notified by e-mail to [email protected]

  • For cancellations received by 15/07/2024 – the full amount is refundable, reduced by the administrative fee of 10%.
  • For cancellations received by 16/07/2024No refund is possible.

However, transfer of your registration to another person is acceptable. Any modification should be communicated to [email protected]

All refunds are processed after the Congress and within a period of six weeks.
Refundable amounts may bear bank fees.
Requests for reimbursements must be sent only by email to [email protected] .
Refunds to credit card payments may only be credited back to the original credit card used upon payment; refunding to an alternate card is not possible.
In case of event cancellation for reasons of force majeure, paid registration fees are fully refunded.
If the EANS2024 Congress is rescheduled to a new date, for whatever reason, a full refund of the registration fee will be provided to those who have already paid the fee but cannot attend the Congress at its newly scheduled time.

No-show Policy
Refunds will not be granted for no-shows.

Payment options
Credit card:
Payment via credit card is recommended.
Visa, Master, Maestro, AMEX cards are accepted.
Stripe & Google Payment

Bank transfer:
Bank charges must be paid by the participants in addition to the registration fees.
Please make sure to indicate full participant name/s and affiliation/s.

Data Protection: We inform you that the personal data you provide to us are collected with your consent; the personal data collected through the registration form are for the purpose of processing your registration form at the 3rd World YNS Congress and EANS2024 Congress. They will be processed in accordance with Belgian legislation on the Protection of Personal Data.

By registering, I consent to receive news from the organisers, related to the 3rd World YNS Congress and EANS2024 Congress & EANS Activities, and news from the Congress Industry Sponsors.

Exhibition Badge Scanning
If you have your badge scanned by an exhibitor/sponsor at the EANS2024 Congress, you thereby agree that your personal data (consisting of title, name, contact data, address data & organization/institute), collected by the system, may be forwarded (via a contracted service provider) to the selected exhibitor/sponsor, and the respective company may contact you directly for its own purposes.


Individuals or delegations who require an official letter of invitation for VISA application purposes or for authorization from their institution to attend the 3rd World YNS Congress and EANS2024 Sofia Congress, must first complete registration and payment via wire transfer for the congress. Please note that invitation letter requests with credit card payments will not be approved. Upon completing registration and payment, they can contact the conference secretariat at [email protected] with their request, providing the following information: Full name, address, passport information, phone number and email address. The letter of invitation does not financially obligate the 3rd World YNS Congress and EANS2024 Sofia Congress organizers in any way.
Please note that all requests for invitation letters will be automatically rejected if the applicant has not completed their registration and payment first.

contact us

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out!
Martina De Gregorio
Phone number: +32471823165
Email [email protected]